Food Regime and Seaweed Growth

The new food regime since January seems to be paying off. Never had Seaweed growth as “good” as now. Actually never even managed to grow Kelps at all. However this is their main season when they grow strong in the wild. Its nice to replicate that in the aquarium though. This same piece of Kelp…

Some collecting and rearranging

Been a while since I was out in the pools but this weekend was perfect tide wise so I made the journey to Coral beach once more. The pools looked nice and not as overgrown as the last time in November. The tide was very low at 0.5m so I was hoping for some good…

Of Majestic Kings and unruly Electrons…

First of I would like to introduce his highness that was so kind to really put on a show right at the front glass so I could finally take some decent pictures of this lovely creature. When I looked at the pictures afterwards I just thought it looked so kingly with its crown of seaweed 😉

Seaweed Growth Updates

Happy New Year Readers! Some updates on the Seaweeds… Since the addition of the chiller the nuisance green cyanoabcteria is nearly gone and red microalgea are going back drastically. The sand is also staying perfectly clean 🙂 Finally! Also following the current daylight times and adjusting the controller every week might also have had a big impact…

Fauna Growth updates

Some updates in relation to the Fauna in the aquariums… 200ltr Maintank The Prawns as many other others have been very busy with procreation through the summer. All females have been carrying and releasing eggs to the joy of many. Unfortunately they where on the menu specials for all other inhabitants. Especially the two spotted…

Happy Birthday Aquarium :-)

Hurray! 🙂 Its the Birthday of my Tank and Blog! 🙂 24/10/14 Thanks to all you readers, for comments and over 23000 views 🙂 It has been an amazing experience so far much more exciting and educational than I ever imagined. I have learned so much from knowing next to nothing about our native sea…